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 1. Idle speed: The speed at which the motor is normally powered on without load. (Unit: rpm or r/min or rpm)
2. No load current: The current at which the motor is normally energized without load. (Unit: mA milliampere or A ampere)
3. Load torque: The rated torque during motor load testing, used only for testing reference. (Unit: g. cm or mNm)
4. Load speed: The speed of the motor under load torque. (Unit: rpm or r/min or rpm)
5. Load current: The current of the motor under load torque. (Unit: mA milliampere or A ampere)
6. Locked torque: also known as starting torque, it is the maximum torque standard that the motor can withstand. If it exceeds this torque, the motor will stop or lock. (Unit: g. cm or mNm)
7. Locked rotor current: also known as starting current, is the maximum current at which the motor stops due to locked rotor. (Unit: mA milliampere or A ampere)
8. Starting voltage: The minimum voltage required for the motor to operate normally from a standstill. (Unit: V volts)
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